10th Class Papers Marking is About to Start From 29 July
According to the Secretary of Higher Education, the marking of matriculation papers in education boards across Punjab, including Lahore, will start on July 29.
According to details, the waiting hours of thousands of matriculation students across Punjab have come to an end. The marking of matriculation papers will start on Monday, July 29, and the Secretary of Higher Education has approved the date.
The marking of matriculation exams was postponed due to the growing risk of Coronavirus. However, the Department of Health and the Department of Higher Education has approved the start of marking.
10th Class Papers 2022 Marking
The marking of the papers will take place on Monday, June 29. The nine boards of Punjab will start marking simultaneously while the prescribed SOPs of the health department will be followed. Hand washing and social distancing rules will be considered for institutions selected as marking centers that have large halls.
Marking will be completed within 90 days; the 10th Class Result 2022 will be announced in early October.
The marking of matriculation papers could not be started even after a week had passed after the date’s announcement. Despite the completion of arrangements at the marking centers, the government refused to approve them. This made it difficult for the education boards to release the results of students in 90 days. Marking was to begin on June 15.
Twenty-seven centers have been set up in Lahore for marking. About 27000 teachers were to participate in the paper marking process in these centers.
The Department of Higher Education had announced that the papers would begin on July 15. According to board sources, 275,000 candidates appeared for the matriculation examination under the Lahore Board this year.
Chairman Lahore Board Riaz Hashmi said that the government had not been able to check the papers. Marking of pamphlets will begin as soon as permission is given.
This is it for today. Thanks for visiting our website. For more news about the 10th Class Result, keep in touch with us!